Our Past
The Rural Electrification Administration was created in 1935 in order to make it possible for rural areas receive electricity. The beginnings for rural electric cooperatives was then at hand. With funding available, and the need for dependable electric power in eastern Montana, McCone Electric Co-op., Inc. was born. Many meetings were held in various communities explaining the program, and finally on September 16, 1942, in the basement of the Chapin Drug Store in Circle, the cooperative was organized. The service area was to take in all or portions of McCone, Dawson, Garfield, Richland, Prairie, Rosebud, Custer, Petroleum and Roosevelt counties. McCone Electric is in excess of seventy five years old now. This past three quarters of a century has been full of changes and challenges for our members. From meager beginnings, we have watched as our homes and businesses improved with electrification, and more importantly, we look forward to a future that will be even more electrified.
Our Future
The mission of McCone Electric will be, as in the past, to bring reliable, high-quality central station power to its members at the lowest possible cost consistent with sound business practices. We will promote the wise use of electricity through marketing programs, emphasizing the benefits and safety of electric energy and will be responsive to the changing needs of our member-owners.