Basin Electric Power Cooperative - wholesale electricity supplier
DOE (Dept. of Energy)
EERE (DOE Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy)
Energy Share Montana - Our primary purpose is to help Montanans faced with energy emergencies meet their needs and move towards self-reliance.
EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) - protecting human health, safeguarding the natural environment
Hydron Module Heat Pumps - Geosource heat pump manufacturer from Mitchell, South Dakota
Journeyman Lineman Connection - Web connection for electric linemen across the nation
MECA (Montana Electric Cooperatives' Association) - statewide rural electric association, located in Great Falls, which represents most all the Montana rural electric cooperatives
McCone County - McCone County local website
NRECA (National Rural Electric Cooperative Association) - information on energy issues, nationwide list of co-ops, selections from "Rural Electrification" magazine, conferences and calendar
OSHA (Occupational Safety & Health Administration) - save lives, prevent injuries and protect the health of America's workers
Rural Utilities Service - helping rural utilities expand and keep their technology up to date, helping establish new and vital services such as distance learning and telemedicine
Touchstone Energy- national electric cooperative brand
Upper Missouri G&T- wholesale electricity supplier
USDA (U.S. Dept. of Agriculture) - agency for rural infrastructure assistance in electricity, water and telecommunications
WAPA (Western Area Power Administration) - U.S. Department or Energy's power marketing
Water Furnace Heat Pumps - Geosource heat pump manufacturer