Rates as of January 1, 2025
Residential, School, Church, Hall
Base charge:
Energy charge:
First 2,000 kWh's @ 13.63¢/kWh
Next 2,000 kWh's @ 12.54¢/kWh
Over 4,000 kWh's @ 10.99¢/kWh
Single Phase Commercial
Base charge:
Energy charge:
First 2,000 kWh's @ 13.68¢/kWh
Next 2,000 kWh's @ 11.09¢/kWh
Over 4,000 kWh's @ 10.29¢/kWh
Three Phase Service
Base charge:
Energy charge:
First 15,000 kWh's @ 8.16¢/kWh
Over 15,000 kWh's @ 7.37¢/kWh
Demand charge:
$18.79/month/KW over 10 KW
Seasonal horsepower min. charge:
Base charge:
Energy charge:
First 2,500 kWh's @ 7.20¢/kWh
Over 2,500 kWh's @ 6.10¢/kWh
Demand charge:
Yard Lighting Service
175 watt MV*- $10.00/light/month
400 watt MV*- $15.00/light/month
100 watt HPS*- $10.00/light/month
250 watt HPS*- $15.00/light/month
*or LED equivalent
Application for Security Yard Light (PDF)
Electric Heat Rate
The Electric heat rate is designed for customers that heat their homes or businesses with electric heat. This usage must be sub-metered separately from the remainder of the electrical service.
Electric Heat Rate October-April: 8.2¢/kWh
Electric Heat Rate MAy-September: 10.2¢kWh
Green Tag or Wind generated Power Rate
The rate for the Green Tags sold to consumers in small volumes is established annually. The rate for consumers agreeing to make long-term large volume purchases is identified by a specific contract.
- If you would like to sign up for Green Tag Power, fill out the Wind Power Purchase Agreement and return it to MEC.